Veterans Ministry


A church founded by veterans…

Everyday an everage of 22 veterans die of suicide and we aim to do our part to help those in need. Life after the military and military deployments can leave us feeling so disconnected in so many ways. Our church was founded by combat veterans with the intention of serving the needs of our veteran community having suffered from the trials and tribulations of war and military service. To find a place of faith amidst those familiar with the struggles particular to veterans can be life saving. First Pathfinder Assembly may be for you if you have experienced:

Combat and its aftermath 

Loss of friends/relationships

Military sexual trauma/harrassment

Adjusting to civilian life after service

We are a small community of veterans supporting each other on our individual journeys of healing. We need not just to heal but also have that sense of belonging again. Belonging to a group focused on a cause much bigger than ourselves for the betterment of humanity. Although we come from all aspects of life now we seek the same path to healing and peace. All is welcome here.
